“Truck Rounding”
ออกแบบและพัฒนาโปรแกรมโดย: ฐิติวรรณ เฮงจำรัส
and Communication Technology Silpakorn University
The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) was established based on the idea of blending “art, technology, and communication” in order to instill in students the knowledge that leads to creativity, design, production, and efficient communication, as well as equip them with the ability to collect, analyze, and organize information for business purposes.
We emphasize teaching for “thinking and doing” and therefore focus on hands-on learning, whether it is in data journalism, deep analysis, entertainment, or various creative works for marketing and business success, or technological design work for commercial and public utility. These all are from the integration of art, technology, and communication,and result in the development of the three main degree programs:
This program is designed to produce communication professionals who can apply arts, design, and information and communication technology to serve the economy and society, as well as to promote the development of communication arts in the country for the future.
The program aims to promote and develop students’ potential for digital technology integration in conjunction with design and creative thinking while emphasizing their practical skills at every stage.
The program is proactively adjustable to evolving information systems and computer technology. We supply the world with business IT specialists who are aware of how information technology affects consumers life and shapes the future of business organizations.
ออกแบบและพัฒนาโปรแกรมโดย: ฐิติวรรณ เฮงจำรัส
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ชลสิทธิ์ อุปนิกขิต
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เกียรติศักดิ์ กิ่งแก้ว
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ชุติกาญจน์ เดชเพิ่ม
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จิรกิตติ์ ชอบทำกิจ
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ประเสริฐ แสงแก้ว
คณะเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและการสื่อสาร มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Silpakorn University